INFORMATION PACKETS: On the first day of school, a packet will be sent home with each student. If your child is missing any of the following forms, a new one will be sent home within the next couple of days. If you have already filled out any of these forms, please fill out a new one and return it to the school ASAP so that we can update our records. Emergency Card (white-front&back), Library Card (white), Code of Conduct (white), Lunch Application (Green), Photo Release (white), Parent Calendar/Handbook (blue), Program Improvement Letter (White)
ANNUAL NOTIFICATION OF ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT PLANS: The Hanford Elementary School District under asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), is required to develop and implement a management plan for dealing with the presence of asbestos-containing materials in our schools. Our school was built asbestos free. This plan is available for your inspection in the school office. A copy of all school plans is also available in the District Office, located at 714 N. White Street.
WELLNESS POLICY: It is vital that we as employees of HESD understand and adhere to the HESD Wellness Policy. It specifically states “Schools, to the extent possible, will not use foods or beverages that do not meet nutritional standards”. In order to support our policy, as of October 1, 2009 we will no longer accept sweet treats for birthday snacks. Parents are still encouraged to celebrate student birthdays by offering an alternative to sweet treats such as a goody bag with pencils, erasers, crayons, etc. Another fun idea is to donate a hardback book to the library in honor of your student. However, if you bring an edible treat, any of the following items are acceptable: Fresh Fruit, Granola Bars, Applesauce, Yogurt, Raisins, Pretzels, Fresh Veggie
VISITORS ON CAMPUS: No one will be allowed open access to the campus, or pass the fenced area without securing authorization and a visitor's pass from the administration. Parents must make prior arrangements with the Principal to visit classrooms. Volunteers must be fingerprinted and approved by the HESD Board of Trustees. In the morning, parents may wait for their child to enter the classroom in the designated area only. In the afternoon, parents may wait for their child’s dismissal in the designated areas only. Also note that parents are not allowed in the cafeteria during breakfast or lunch times.
HESD MISSION: Everything we do must be for the expressed purpose of improving teaching and learning, therefore: “Our mission is to provide an educational environment which reinforces basic cultural values, ethical behavior, including respect for other, personal integrity, responsibility and accountability. We will work together to provide students with a safe environment in which they can discover their potential and strengthen their motivation for living and learning. As tomorrow’s leaders, students will be prepared to participate and function effectively in society.”